One Thing 10/3/12

The Devil is a thief, and one of his primary targets is to steal form us the intimacy of fellowship we are created to experience with God. Intimacy is all about relationship, and relationship grows in the context of intimate time and conversation together. The Devils attempt to keep Christians away from undistracted time in the presence of The Lord has been stunningly successful, and that is why so many believers are about a mile wide (with information) but about a half an inch deep ( in true personal, intimate knowledge of God). Have you ever noticed that the more time a couple spends together, the more like each other they become. They even start to look like each other. It’s the principle declared in 2 Corinthians 3:18, that we become what we behold. Transformation by fascination is the the ancient path. I believe that one of my mandates from God is to undo the deceptions from he enemy, that keep us from rearranging our schedules, so that we can cultivate and harvest the presence and heart of God. Most Christians think about prayer as something boring. Understand, when I say prayer, I’m not just talking about getting alone with God and going down the list of requests. Of course, our talking to God about the burdens on our hearts is an important part of prayer, but it is just a part, and not even the most important part. Prayer is a conversation where two people talk, and what God has to say is infinitely more important than what you and I have to say. Now, our presence before Him, and the sound of our voice stirs His heart in an extraordinary way, but for our sake, we so much need to gaze on Him, and Hear His voice. When I refer to my prayer life, I usually use the term “footstool time,” because Ps. 132:7 says “let us go into His dwelling places; and worship at His footstool.” God is looking for true worshipers (adorers), who want to linger (someone with their feet on a footstool welcoming you in, is someone inviting you to linger) in His presence. My footstool time includes conversation where He does most of the talking, with an open bible before me, revelation, unspeakable revelation of beauty and radiance, heavenly sights and sounds, praise, song, weeping, joy unspeakable, heartbreak, etc. Is that what it’s like for you. I want to lure you into the most exhilarated experience a human being can enjoy; an audience before the King of Kings in the throne room. We will talk more of these things in the days to come.

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