On the other side of yes. 10/11/13

I’ve been sitting on this word since August 30th, waiting for The Lord to tell me to launch it. I’ve been waiting in anticipation for Him to say “GO.” Even the wait has been prophetic, because The Lord to me this morning, “Are you ready to launch.” He then said “Tell them all to get ready to launch into that place in Me that they have always longed for. Tell them it’s time for the BIG ONE, and it’s on the other side of their YES.” When He began to birth this word in me that was how it started, with those words, “On the other side of their yes is The Big One.” He reminded me of the struggle of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Even though His yes would mean suffering and death, on the other side of the sacrifice was The Big One. It wasn’t just that death awaited Him, and all the ramifications of pain and suffering, but Resurrection, glory, and the redemptive harvest awaited Him on the other side of His yes. Satan also knew what was happening, and in desperation was trying once last time to get Him to turn back. Of course, on the day of the crucifixion, Satan did everything to get Jesus to stop His climb toward Calvary, but it was too late, for the war was won the night before in the Garden. God is bringing His Longing Ones into the Garden looking for that YES, so they can know The Big One on the other side. There is something He is now trying to get at; that thing you’ve been putting off, hanging on to, rationalizing, clinging too, even if barely. The Lord of Heart Harvest is saying, “I’ve heard your heart cry’s. I’ve felt your longing. Your desire for more has come into union with Mine for you. The fig tree has ripened its fig. You are ripe. You are ready to launch. It is time for me to harvest your Whole Heart. The voice of the Turtle Dove has been heard in the land. He says you are ready. It’s time to Arise My darling and My beautiful one. It’s time to rise up and come away with me to that place. You know, that place you and I have longed for us. You can’t stay where you are, as good as it may have been. The eyes of your heart are filled with a vision for a bigger, higher place. You wistfully long for the heights. The only thing that holds you back is your consent. I just need to hear your yes. Don’t be afraid of the pain and the suffering of letting go. With every step of the climb up, the loss will become less and less painful as as the “joy set before you” takes over. New life, resurrection, harvest, and the pleasure of PRESENCE awaits you.” Just as woman with the issue of blood pressed through the crowd surrounding Jesus, and had her life changed forever, just by touching the hem of His garment, let your YES be your “reach” that touches His longing heart. The BIG ONE is on the other side of your YES. The winter is past. The time of preparation is over. You are ripe with desire, and readiness. It’s time to LAUNCH. GO!!!! YES!!!!

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