European Hurricanes. Update 12/16/11

I got ths word on 9/13 and posted it on 10/14.

Just last week, I posted an update on this word. That was a storm that hit England an Ireland with 165mph winds. Well, during the last 24 hours, another hurricane force storm from the Atlantic has hit France and Germany. The press there has referred to it as a category 2 Hurricane type storm. Winds of 90mph with some gusts up to 131mph. 300000 power outages. God is shaking. Come Holy Spirit to Europe. Interesting, that I had France and Germany on my heart today, and didn’t tell anyone. Found out this evening about the storm.

European Hurricane 9/13/11
I believe that the Lord showed me that over the next 6 or 7 months there are going to be European hurricanes.  They are going to come against the western coast of Europe, along the western shores of Europe.  God is allowing this to happen to proclaim prophetically, as a sign that the wind of the spirit is blowing against the coast.  God is saying that he wants Europe to welcome the wind of the Holy Spirit.  For all of Western Europe, that wind of the Holy Spirit is blowing, and He wants Western Europe to receive the wind of God.  I believe that these are going to be record setting European hurricanes.  They may not be called hurricanes, but they will defiantly have the force of hurricanes. 

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