A One Thing Army 10/11/11

God is raising up a Psalm 27 people who will live a “One Thing Life”. A people whose great treasure is the beauty of the Lord. These will be a people so fascinated with and captivated by the splendor of the Lord that their “One Thing” in life preoccupation will be to seek and gaze on His transcendent and transformational beauty, and to proclaim His beauty in even the darkest of holes. Jesus is making all things new,and as the New Creations of His great love come into their reflected beauty, they will be driven in the holy confidence of a Treasured One to join their Bridegroom to seek and save that which is lost in fallen and broken humanity. An army of awestruck,and wholehearted Helpless Lovers, who beautified with the glory of the Lord, will rescue the perishing. The Wildly Redeemed will go into the wildest places to bring the good news that there is a Kingdom the Beautiful King who is “Chief among Ten Thousand”, makes all things beautiful. The Devil dreads the emergence of these Crazed Lovesick Fishermen.

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